Volltext: Jahrbuch des Historischen Vereins für das Fürstentum Liechtenstein (2008) (107)

LIECHTENSTEIN IN ALTEN SCHILDERUNGEN NORBERT W. HASLER To the right the mowing-machine blade of a saw- tooth factory roof cuts the green of pine and beech. Farther south is the capital with the old chäteau, founded on Roman ruins, hanging over it like an ea- gle perched above its nest and looking at the eggs between its feet. To the right of the Castle the bottlegreen forest, veiling the faces of halfdomes upon whose tops are pleasant plateaus, merges into the broken pattern of the rolling Triesenberg, whose chalet groups dot a parklike region between barren terminal moun- tains. Below is Triesen, from whose one factory chimney Ruhr coal smokes when winter ties up the otherwise inexhaustible water power. ANOTHER PLACE OUR COTTON GOES The mowing-machine blade between Schaan and Vaduz edged a spinning-mill roof. The Triesen smokestack rises above the looms of an allied weav- ing mill equipped with the latest apparatus for hu- midifying the atmosphere - a seemingly superfluous device on the rainy day I was there. The raw cotton comes from America. The cloth is sold in Budapest. The 300 weavers come from the valley towns and down from the Triesenberg. These two major dots on the landscape indicate most of the country's industrial life. The flour and sawmills, for the most part, are homely affairs which add unobtrusiveness to genuine service. South of Triesen there is little evidence of man's works. At Balzers a large memorial church and a rock mass surmounted by Burg Gutenberg, never captured, but now used as a hotel, are dwarfed by the Mittagspitze and the Falknis, and are almost lost in the broadened piain whence a valley road mounts to Luziensteig. At the foot of the Swiss Fläscherberg, 
> im f? ,0? *— J mm LONfilTUDE EAST 9"3S' Or GREENWICH l)ra\v:i by A. Ii. ßuiitstead Sketch Map of Liechten- stein. Drawn by A. H. Bum- stead. * See, also, «The Battie-Line of Languages in Central Europe.» by A. L. Guerard, in the National Geographie Magazine for February, 1923. ** See, also, «Rediscovering the Rhine: A Trip by Barge from the Sea to the Headwaters of Europe's Storied stream,» by Melville Chater, in the National Geographie Magazine for July, 1925. 209


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