Volltext: Das Bild Liechtensteins im Ausland

Fragebogenauszug Englische Version 1. «Please take a look at these 
Castle, country: two illustrations. First the pic- ture on the left. Do you know off-hand what Castle that is, or in which country it is situated?» Respondent recognises it, but (Interviewer shows illustrations can't give name of Castle or to respondent) name of place 
O Doesn't know/Not seen before 
O 2. «Here's a question about the 
Have been to Liechtenstein 
O principality of Liechtenstein: 
Do have some idea about it 
O Have you ever been to Liech- 
Know only by name 
O tenstein, do you have any idea 
Never heard of the place* 
O what this country is like, or do you only know of it by name, or have you never heard of Liechtenstein?» * Skip to question 5! 3. «When a certain country is mentioned, a number of things often spring to mind. When you hear the name Liechten­ stein, what springs to mind. Please teil me which of these particular things come to your mind in relation to Liechten­ stein. Just read out the card letters to me.» 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 4. «Instinctively, we can all say that a country either has an appeal for us or it doesn't. All in all, would you say, for me, Liechtenstein is...» 
«A very nice place» 
O «A nice place» 
O «Not a very nice place» 
O «Not at all a nice place» 
O 5. «This time I would like you to look at the picture on the right. Do you know the name of this building and can you teil me where it is?» (Interviewer shows illustrations again) 
Building, place: Respondent recognises it, but can't give name of building or name of place 
O Doesn't know/Not seen before 
O 100


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