Volltext: The Transport Protocol of the Alpine Convention: Added Value to the Transport Policy of the European Community?

5. Conclusion 
The Alpine Convention and its implementing protocols are the outcome of a long 
process which started 50 years ago and which is still far from being concluded. While 
the Alpine Convention now applies to the entire Alpine Arc, meaning all eight Alpine 
countries and the European Community, the ratification process of the Transport 
Protocol is still ongoing. At this moment, it has been signed by all eight Alpine States, 
but not yet by the Community. In three countries, it has already entered into force. 
The Alpine Convention and its Transport Protocol attempt to reconcile economic 
interests of the transport sector with ecological requirements by elaborating a 
sustainable transport policy. For the first time ever, all Alpine countries and the 
Community have agreed on a common (and legally binding) approach to this ambitious 
project, based on the understanding, that the Alpine arc is an ecologically sensitive area 
and that transport has negative environmental and health-related impacts. 
This paper examined three levels of value added by the Transport Protocol to the 
European Community transport policy: First, it concentrated on the legally binding 
character of the Transport Protocol. After ratification of the Transport Protocol by the 
Community, existing positions and policies of the Community, currently only specified 
in a White paper, will be “upgraded” by a new legal basis. This will create legal 
enforceability and enhanced political accountability. 
Second, this paper analysed the impact of the Transport Protocol on the trans-European 
Transport Networks. In this context the Transport Protocol contains a revolutionary 
provision prohibiting the construction of any new trans-Alpine high-capacity road. Thus 
after the Community's adherence to the Protocol, it will not be possible any more to co 
finance such infrastructure projects.


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