Volltext: The Transport Protocol of the Alpine Convention: Added Value to the Transport Policy of the European Community?

3.4. Cornerstones of the content 
Seen from a distance, the Transport Protocol consists of the Preamble and of 25 Articles 
which are grouped together in a structure of five different chapters: 
Chapter I on general provisions (Article 1-6) 
Chapter II on specific measures (Article 7-16) 
Chapter III on coordination, research, education and information (Article 17- 
Chapter IV on control and assessment (Article 20-22) 
Chapter V on final provisions (Article 23-25) 
This paper will first have a closer look at the objectives of the Transport Protocol, then 
at its implementing measures. Finally we will discuss briefly what kind of provisions 
one may miss in the Transport Protocol. 
3.4.1. Objectives 
According to Article 1(1) TP, the main objective of the Transport Protocol is the 
realisation of a sustainable transport policy by the contracting parties. This policy is 
characterised by the fact that it aims at: 
reducing the harms and the risks in the sector of intra-Alpine and trans-Alpine 
transport to a degree, which is supportable for humans, the fauna and the flora 
as well as for their living space and their habitats (Article l(l)(a) TP); 
contributing to the sustainable development of the habitats and of the 
economic area which constitute the living space for the residents of the Alpine 
arc (Article 1 (l)(b) TP); 
limiting as far as possible the effects of the traffic which could endanger the 
role and the resources of the Alpine space as well as the conservation of its 
natural and cultural heritage (Article l(l)(c) TP); 
assuring the intra-Alpine and trans-Alpine transport at economically bearable 
costs by an increase in efficiency of the transport systems, as well as by the 
promotion of means of transport more respective of the environment and more 
economic in using natural resources (Article l(l)(d) TP);


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