Volltext: Der Stellenwert des öffentlichen Bibliothekswesens in den Zwergstaaten Europas

21. (1) For the purposes of any requirements of a capital nature, the Malta Libraries may, with 
the approval in writing of the Minister in consultation with the Minister responsible for finance, 
borrow or raise money in such manner, from such person, body or authority, and under such 
terms and conditions as the Minister, after consultation as aforesaid, may in writing approve. 
(2) The Malta Libraries may also, with the approval in writing of the Minister in consultation 
with the Minister responsible for finance, from time to time borrow, by way of overdraft or 
otherwise, such sums as it may require for carrying out its functions under this Act. 
22. The Minister responsible for finance may, after consultation with the Minister, make 
advances to the Malta Libraries of such sums as the Minister responsible for finance may agree 
to be required for carrying out any of its functions under this Act, and may make such advances 
on such terms and conditions as the Minister responsible for finance may, after consultation as 
aforesaid, deem appropriate. Any such advance may be made by the Minister responsible for 
finance out of the Consolidated Fund, and without further appropriation other than this Act, by 
warrant, authorising the Accountant General to make such advance. 
23. (1) The National Librarian shall prepare in every financial year, and shall not later than eight 
weeks before the end of each financial year adopt, estimates of the income and expenditure for 
the following financial year: 
Provided that the estimates of the Malta Libraries for its first financial year shall be prepared 
and adopted within such time as the Minister may by notice in writing specify to the Malta 
(2) The estimates shall be made in such forms and shall contain such information and such 
comparisons with previous estimates as the Minister responsible for finance may direct. 
(3) A copy of the estimates shall, upon their adoption by the National Librarian, be sent 
forthwith to the Minister and to the Minister responsible for finance. 
24. (1) No expenditure shall be made or incurred by the Malta Expenditure. Libraries unless it 
has been approved by the House. 
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subarticle (1) - 
(a) until the expiration of six months from the beginning of a financial year, or until the 
approval of the estimates for that year by the House, whichever is the earlier date, the Malta 
Libraries may make or incur expenditure for carrying out its functions under this Act not 
exceeding in the aggregate one-half of the amount approved for the preceding financial year; 
(b) expenditure approved in respect of a head or subhead of the estimates may, with the 
approval of the Minister, be incurred in respect of another head or subhead of the estimates; 
(c) in respect of the first financial year, the Malta Libraries may make or incur expenditure until 
the approval of the estimates for that year by the House not exceeding in the aggregate such 
amounts as the Minister responsible for finance may, after consultation with the Minister, allow; 
(d) if in respect of any financial year it is found that the amount approved by the House is not 
sufficient, or if a need has arisen for expenditure for a purpose not provided for in the estimates, 
the Malta Libraries may adopt supplementary estimates for approval by the House and pending 
such approval, the Malta Libraries may in special circumstances and with the approval of the 
Minister, acting in consultation with the Minister responsible for finance, incur the relative 
expenditure or part thereof as the said Minister may so approve, and in any such case the 
provisions of this Act applicable to the estimates shall, as near as practicable, apply to the 
supplementary estimates. 


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