Volltext: Der Stellenwert des öffentlichen Bibliothekswesens in den Zwergstaaten Europas

(b) ensure and facilitate collaboration between different stakeholders with direct or indirect 
responsibility for the promotion and management of the libraries sector; 
(c) advise the Minister and the National Librarian on the management of libraries in Malta; 
(d) draw the attention of the Minister and of the National Librarian or of any organisation or 
person responsible for libraries to any urgent action that may be considered necessary for the 
better management of libraries; 
(e) meet and consult, at least once a year, with keepers of non-Governmental libraries and with 
organisations working in the field of libraries; 
(f) advise the Minister on any matter arising from the provisions of this Act and on any other 
matter referred to it by the Minister. 
17. (1) The appointment of officers and other employees of the Malta Libraries shall be made in 
accordance with the Public Administration Act and shall be subject to the provisions of the 
Constitution and of any other law including this Act. 
(2) The members of the Council, all officers and employees of the Malta Libraries shall be 
deemed to be public officers within the meaning of the Criminal Code, the Civil Code and the 
Public Administration Act and shall have the rights and duties applicable to public officers 
under such laws. 
18. (1) The Principal Permanent Secretary, following the direction of the Prime Minister may, 
from time to time, direct that any public officer shall be detailed for duty with the Malta 
Libraries and its libraries in such capacity and under such conditions and with effect from such 
date as he may prescribe. 
(2) The Principal Permanent Secretary, following the direction of the Prime Minister, may at 
any time revoke any such direction given under subarticle (1). 
(3) The period during which a direction under subarticle (1) shall apply to any officer specified 
therein shall, unless the officer retires from the public service, or otherwise ceases to hold office 
at an earlier date, be such as may be specified in the direction, unless the direction is revoked 
earlier in accordance with subarticle (2). 
(4) Where any officer is detailed for duty with the Malta Libraries in accordance with this 
article, such officer shall during the time in which such direction has effect in relation to him, be 
under the administrative authority and control of the Malta Libraries but he shall for other 
intents and purposes remain and be considered and treated as a public officer. 
(5) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, a public officer detailed for duty as 
aforesaid - 
(a) shall not during the time in respect of which he is so detailed - 
(1) be precluded from applying for a transfer to a Government department in accordance with 
the terms and conditions of service attached to the appointment under the Government held by 
that public officer at a date on which he is detailed for duty; or 
(ii) be so employed that his remuneration and conditions of service are less favourable than 
those which are attached to the appointment under the Government held by that public officer at 


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