Volltext: Vorbereitungen zu einer Ausarbeitung des Sammelauftrages der Liechtensteinischen Landesbibliothek

Masterarbeit Beat Vogt 
2.1.5. Handhabung von Sammelgut in der Nationalbibliothek der Niederlande 
Collecting procedures National Library of the Netherlands (Koninklijke Bibliotheek) 
Please mark X where appropriate. 
'Active Collection' means that the library requests the publications. 
"Passive Collection' means that the library receives the publications, even if delivered unrequested. 
Active and Only Creating a | Comments 
passive passive copy in the 
Collection | Collection | catalogues 
11 Printed books X http://www kb.nl/sites/default/files/docs/collectieplan2010-2013.pdf 
' page 10 [18.10.2013]. 
Newspapers x http://www kb.nl/sites/default/files/docs/collectieplan2010-2013.pdf 
page 10 [18.10.2013]. 
1.2 free local papers are excluded from the Deposit Collection 
http://www kb.nl/en/for-publishers/deposit-a-publication/selection- 
criteria-national-deposit-collection [18.10.2013]. 
13 Journals X http://www.kb.nl/sites/default/files/docs/collectieplan2010-2013.pdf 
' page 10 [18.10.2013]. 
1.4.1 | University (BA): Bachelor theses 
1.4.2 | University (MA): master's theses 
1.4.3 | Theses (PhD): Dissertations x http://www .kb.nl/en/for-publishers/deposit-collection [18.10.2013]. 
1.5 Extracts from books 
1.6 Extracts from journals 
1.7 Extracts from newspapers 
Book-type of self-publishing: Grey literature x (governmental) institutions, associations or foundations can submit 
1.8 publications” http://www kb.nl/en/for-publishers/deposit-a- 
publication [18.10.2013]. 
Self-published items: groups (e.g. annual reports X „(governmental) institutions, associations or foundations can submit 
1.9 or statutes) publications” http://www.kb.nl/en/for-publishers/deposit-a- 
publication [18.10.2013]. 
Unpublished works „The KB does not require a publication to have an ISBN or an ISSN, 
1.10 but it does recommend the inclusion of such worldwide identifiers” 
: http://www kb.nl/en/for-publishers/deposit-a-publication 
1.11 | Leaflets 


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