Volltext: Vorbereitungen zu einer Ausarbeitung des Sammelauftrages der Liechtensteinischen Landesbibliothek

Masterarbeit Beat Vogt 
q. | Are publications in regions adjacent to your own region given 
special treatment? 
r. | Do you collect academic works in printed and digital version? 
s. | Do you have arrangements concerning the collecting proce- Work closely with the National Archivist such that users of both institutions can 
dures with other institutions such as archives, museums or any easily access each other’s collections for users’ greater benefit” Article 7 (2) (g)* 
other documentation center? 
If so, in which form and about which contents? 
Do you collect websites? 
If so, in which style format do you collect the websites? 
In which periods do vou collect the updated websites? 
What are your selection criterions for choosing websites that 
you collect? 
*Malta Libraries Act (Act No. VII of 2011). Online at: https://www.education.gov.mt/mediacenter.ashx?file=MediaCenter/Docs/1_ML“%20-%20Malta-Libraries-Act-2011.pdf 
** Länderlexikon Malta. In: Studentisches Projekt: Weiterentwicklung des Informationsangebots im Bereich "Bibliotheksarbeit weltweit" des Bibliotheksportals, im SS2011 — 
WS 2011/2012, an der HTWK Leipzig, im Studiengang "Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft". Online at: 
http://www.bibliotheksportal.de/fileadmin/user upload/content/bibliotheken/international/dateien/malta.pdf [21.10.2013]. 
***Ruth Muscat: Bibliotheken und das Bibliothekswesen in Malta (Libraries and Librarianship in Malta). In: Bibliothek. Forschung und Praxis 28 (2004) H. 2, S.193-196. Online 
at: http://www.b21.de/fileadmin/dokumente/BFP Bestand 2004/Jg 28-Nr 2/Jg 28-Nr 2 Aufsaetze/Jg 28-2004-Nr 2-S 193-196.pdf [22.10.2013]. 
Sources used: 
e  https//www.education.gov.mt/Page.aspx?pid-693 &depid- 12&pagei1d-59 [21.10.2013]. 
e  https//www.education.gov.mt/Page.aspx?pid-695&depid- 12&pagei1d-59 [21.10.2013]. 
https://www.education.gov.mt/Page.aspx?pid-696&depid- 12&pageid-59 [21.10.2013]. 
https://www.education.gov.mt/Page.aspx?pid-697&de id=12& ageid-59 [21.10.2013]. 
: . ion.gov. . =12&pageid=59 [21.10.2013]. 
https://www.education.gov.mt/Page. aspx?pid= 701&depid=12&pageid=59 [21.10.2013]. 
https://www.education.gov.mt/Page.aspx?pid=721&depid=12&pageid=59 [21.10.2013]. 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National Library of Malta [21.10.2013]. 
http://www.timesofmalta.con/articles/view/20110615/local/Malta-to-have-a-national-librarian.3706162.UmTO32U6nIU [21.10.2013]. 
http://www.orderofmalta.int/nachrichten/66936/die-nationalbibliothek-vo n-malta-feiert-den-orden-in-der-geschichte-und-im-heute/?lang-de [21.10.2013]. 
http://www.orderofmalta.int/news/66929/the-national-library-of-malta-celebrates-the-order-past-and-present/?lang-en [21.10.2013]. 


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