Volltext: Vorbereitungen zu einer Ausarbeitung des Sammelauftrages der Liechtensteinischen Landesbibliothek

Masterarbeit Beat Vogt 
Active and | Only pas- | Creatinga | Comments 
passive sive copy in the 
Collection | Collection | catalogues 
Self-published items: 
1.9 groups (e.g. annual re- 
ports or statutes) 
110 Unpublished works ,acquire, assemble and conserve manuscripts and 
: other unpublished material on any subject by Maltese authors" Article 7 (2) (c)* 
Leaflets X „books, pamphlets, newspapers and journals, and non-book material“ page 194*** 
LH "The National Library collection comprises published material in the form of books, pam- 
' phlets, newspapers, journals and single-sheet items — as well as audio and visual recordings" 
https://www.education.gov.mt/Page.aspx?pid-696&depid-12&pageid-59 [21.10.2013]. 
Printed publicity items X The National Library collection comprises published material in the form of books, pam- 
1.12 phlets, newspapers, journals and single-sheet items — as well as audio and visual recordings" 
https//www.education.gov.mt/Page.aspx?pid-696&depid-12&pageid—59 [21.10.2013]. 
Illustrated publicity X „The National Library collection comprises published material in the form of books, pam- 
1.13 | items phlets, newspapers, journals and single-sheet items — as well as audio and visual recordings” 
https://www education. gov.mt/Page.aspx?pid=696&depid=12&pageid=59 [21.10.2013]. 
1.14 | Photos 
Handmade pictures x „Abbildungen“ http://www.orderofmalta.int/nachrichten/66936/die-nationalbibliothek-von- 
malta-feiert-den-orden-in-der-geschichte-und-im-heute/?lang-de [21.10.2013]. 
,engravings” http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20110615/local/Malta-to-have-a- 
national-librarian.370616£.UmTO32U6nIU [21.10.2013]. 
Maps x “books, pamphlets, newspapers and journals, and non-book material" page 194*** 
1.16 „The National Library also houses a small collection of maps and plans” 
https://www education. gov.mt/Page.aspx?pid=696&depid=12&pageid=59 [21.10.2013]. 
1.17 | Postcards 
Notes, printed musical 
1.18 " 
Microforms X „The National Librarian shall strive to make any usable exact copies available in the most 
21 appropriate format such as in digital or microfilm format" Article 9 (3)* 
' ,, Newspapers are to be viewed on microfilm, if available* 
hitps://www.education.gov.mt/Page.aspx?pid-701&depid-12&pageid-59 [21.10.2013]. 


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