Volltext: Liechtenstein and the German tax affair:

taken up again on the following day by the media ("Government is offered new tax data", Bild 
Berlin-Brandenburg, 1). 
On 8 March, FAZ (p. 4) also publishes an article on the visit by Deputy Prime Minister Klaus 
Tschütscher to the Liechtenstein stand at the ITB trade fair. On the eve of Saturday, 8.3., it is 
reported that Heinrich Kieber is in Australia. 
SPIEGEL and Focus (in advance) as well as the Frankfurter Sonntagszeitung publish an 
article on the Kieber case on 9 March; the weekly magazines report that Mr. Kieber is 
"fearing for his life”. On Sunday, an interview and profile of Prince Max von und zu 
Liechtenstein are published in the NZZ. 
The demands made by data thief Heinrich Kieber to the BND, namely a new identity because 
he "fears for his life", as already reported on Sunday, 9.3. in Focus, are taken up by the daily 
press on Monday as well ("Liechtenstein informant lives in fear for his life", Financial Times 
Deutschland, 10.3., 13). 
In the course of Tuesday, // March, the Swiss News Agency SDA reports that the 
Principality of Liechtenstein will cancel its planned exhibit in the Neue Pinakothek in Munich 
in May, due to the tense relationship with Germany (SDA, AFP). Reports by German 
agencies follow, according to which VP Bank is presenting its 2007 annual report showing 
that its profit rose by nearly 20% to CHF 161.5 million (dpa, Reuters, Dow Jones). It is also 
reported that Germany will transmit the tax files with data concerning Austrian citizens to the 
Austrian authorities as soon as possible. 
The report about the cancelation of the art exhibit 1s discussed by all German-speaking media 
in the coming days. Subsequently, discussion of the painting collection shifts more and more 
into the feature pages ("But the signal from the Princely House is very clear. Vaduz doesn't 
feel caught red-handed. It feels attacked", Süddeutsche Zeitung, 13.3., 13). 
During this time, the Austrian press focuses more strongly on the handing over of the datasets 
on the "tax DVD", which allegedly concerns about 150 Austrians. 
On Thursday, /3 March, the emphasis is on the international search for Heinrich Kieber by 
Liechtenstein. The profile issued by the National Police is also discussed. 
On Friday, /4 March, the Austrian press reports on the statement by the president of the 
Monaco banking association, who says that Monaco's inclusion on the list of uncooperative 
countries is "major hypocrisy". 
On the weekend, coverage continues to wane. On Saturday, /5 March, the SZ again reports 
on the LLB's approach and the effects on Austria. 
Focus, as a weekly news magazine, prints an interview with the president of the BND at the 
beginning of the new week (17 March to 21 March), including on Liechtenstein. Otherwise, 
the daily press takes up the weekend reports on the tax scandal in Austria. 
In the course of Tuesday, /8 March, the German and Swiss news agencies report on the LLB 
press conference, at which it announces its record profit in 2007 (Reuters, AWP). Reuters also 


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