Volltext: Liechtenstein and the German tax affair:

Saturday 8.3.2008 
Sunday 9.3.2008 
Week 11 Monday 10.3.2008 
Tuesday 11.3.2008 
Wednesday 12.3.2008 
Thursday 13.3.2008 115 
Friday 14.3.2008 37 0 
Saturday 15.3.2008 49 22 
16.3.2008 13 16 
otal 1,556 39 407 
Tab. 13: Number of media reports 1. - 31.3.2008, Part 1 (Source: own compilation) 
Calendar Date Print media Radio/TV Internet 
Week 12 17.3.2008 46 2 
T 18.3.2008 28 24 
W 19.3.2008 58 37 
20.3.2008 89 
Fi 21.3.2008 13 
22.3.2008 28 
Week 13 Sunday 23.3.2008 15 
Monday 24.3.2008 2 
Tuesday 25.3.2008 18 
Wednesday 26.3.2008 54 
Thursday 27.3.2008 62 
Friday 28.3.2008 62 
Saturday 29.3.2008 60 
Week 14 Sunday 30.3.2008 20 
Monday 31.3.2008 9] 
otal 646 
Tab. 14: Number of media reports 1. - 31.3.2008, Part 2 (Source: own compilation) 
5.6 | Subsequent phase "It will never be the same again" (1.4. - 30.6.2008) 
5.6.1 Overview of events 
The negotiations between Liechtenstein and the EU Commission, already underway since 
2006, on the EU Anti-Fraud Agreement concerning future cooperation on both direct and 
indirect taxes, are concluded in terms of content on 27 June 2008 in Brussels. 
5.6.2 Communication measures by Liechtenstein 
From 1 April, the Government Spokesperson's Office focuses on systematic and orderly 
establishment and cultivation of contacts with international media. It views this as an essential 
building block for successful and long-term communication work. The crisis of February 
2008 noticeably facilitates access to important opinion-makers and is used deliberately. The 
focus areas of communication work until the end of the observation period of this paper 
include visits to editorial offices in Germany (generally together with the Liechtenstein 
! No figures available for radio/TV and Internet 
^ Figures without radio/TV and Internet 


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