Volltext: Very small countries: economic success against all odds

III. List of Tables and Figures Table 2.1:Smallest countries in the world (population < 5,000,000)19 Table 2.2:Smallest countries in the world (area < 50,000 km2)22 Table 2.3:Smallest countries in the world (national income < US $ 10 billion (real, in PPP))24 Table 3.1:«Matrix» for government consumption and population48 Table 3.2:OLS regressions for government consumption and log population with control variables (development)57 Table 3.3:OLS regressions for government consumption and log GDP/GNP in comparison to government consumption and log population63 Table 4.1:Characteristics of organizational and institutional forms for the production and provision of public goods73 Table 4.2:Institutional forms of public good provision86 Table 4.3:Public goods with high costs and high economies of scale, when produced in-house in VSC88 Table 4.4:Not selected countries91 Table 4.5:Theoretical expectations versus reality – airports98 Table 4.6:Theoretical expectations versus reality – railway infrastructure101 Table 4.7:Theoretical expectations versus reality – general administration (government levels)103 Table 4.8:Theoretical expectations versus reality – foreign policy (memberships and diplomatic representations)106 Table 4.9:OLS regressions for health system performance and size111 Table 4.10:Theoretical expectations versus reality – overall health system112 Table 4.11:OLS regressions for health expenditure and size115 Table 4.12:Summary of results of Chapter 4 with regard to international outsourcing122 Table 5.1:Disadvantages and advantages of VSC134 Table 5.2:OLS regressions for log per capita GDP and log population with control variables140 Table 5.3:Variables, abbreviations, sources and standard statistics142 Table 5.4:High-income VSC characteristics154 Table A.1:Common definitions of smallness of countries186 Table A.2:Determinants of government size188 Table A.3:Variables, abbreviations, sources and standard statistics190 Table A.4:Pairwise correlations (Pearson)190 Table A.5:List of countries with available data, grouped by population192 Table A.6:OLS regressions for government consumption and log population with control variables200 Table A.7:OLS regressions with political and geographic control variables202 Table A.8:Basic data on selected 
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