Volltext: Very small countries: economic success against all odds

    VSC and FPUBL: 5 unitsaTheoretical expect.: int. outsourcing  Actual provisionRemarksExp. fulf.   no armyFrance and Spain guarantee security+    own army–  own army$ US 20 Mill. ≈(FY 95/96)–  own army–     own army$ US 15 Mill. ≈2% of GDP (FY 97/98)+     own army$ US 343 Mill. ≈6 % of GDP (FY 97)+      own army–  own army–     no armydefense is provided by the US-manned +    Icelandic Defense Force (IDF);    head-quarter: Keflavik       no armysecurity guaranteed by Switzerland+         own army$ US 124 Mill. ≈0.8% of GDP (FY 97)–     own army$ US 65.5 Mill. ≈ 
2.7 % of GDP (FY 96/97)–     no armyUSA guarantees sec.+  no armyF guarantees sec.+   no armyinformal security agreement with AUS+   no armymilitary treaty with USA+   own army$ US 3.7 Mill. ≈1 % of GDP (FY 95)–   own army$ US 13.7 Mill–       own army–   own army$ US 5 Mill ≈2% of GDP (FY 91)–      own army–                                                      


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