Volltext: Very small countries: economic success against all odds

2.  Structural variables (with consequences for or connections with size) Indicator –cultural heterogeneity and ethnic (ethnolin - guistic) fractionalization –adjacent countries, rela- tionship with adjacent and other countries, number of conflicts –geographic characteristics –development of systems of participation and judicial system –endowment with resources, infrastructure Sources: Seiler (1995), Gantner and Eibl (1999), own 
Exact definition (cut-off point) e.g., certain threshold of ethnic or ethnolin- guistic fractionalization e.g., number of adjacent countries –landlocked country, mainland country, is- land country, island group –different definitions of remoteness –distribution of population number of levels of participations, extent of federalism, degree of elite connectivity e.g., certain thresholds of infrastructure (existence of airports, highways,…)Source 
Abt and Deutsch (1993) Gantner and Eibl (1999), Kocher (2000) Gantner and Eibl (1999), Kocher (2000) Abt and Deutsch (1993) Niedermann (1973), Riklin (1993)


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