Volltext: Very small countries: economic success against all odds

Organizational choice: theoretical expectations versus reality Table 4.7: Theoretical expectations versus reality – general administra tion (government levels) Govern-Costs VSCCost diff. between VSC and FPUBLTheoretical expect. ment levelsvery high-only 1 government level CountryPref. Theoret.Actual RemarksExp. homogen.expect.provisionfulf. Andorrahighnot clear2 levels7 parishes- Antiguahighnot clear2 levels7 parishes and- a. Barbuda2 dependencies Bahamashighnot clear2 levels21 districts- Barbadoshighnot clear2 levels11 parishes- Belizerelatively lownot clear2 levels6 districts- Bruneirelatively lownot clear2 levels4 districts- Dominicahighnot clear2 levels10 parishes- Grenadahighnot clear2 levels6 parishes and- 1 dependency Icelandhighnot clear2 levels23 counties and - 14 independent towns Liechtensteinhighnot clear2 levels11 communes- Luxembourghighnot clear2 levels3 districts- Maltahighnot clear1 level+ Micronesiahighnot clear2 levels4 states- Monacohighnot clear1 level(4 quarters)- Naururelatively highnot clear2 levels14 districts- Palaurelatively highnot clear2 levels18 states- San Marinohighnot clear2 levels9 municipalities- Seychellesrelatively highnot clear2 levels23 administrative- districts St. Kitts a.high not clear2 levels14 parishes- Nevis St. Luciahighnot clear2 levels11 quarters- St. Vincenthighnot clear2 levels6 parishes- a. t. Grenadines Abbreviations: diff. = difference; Exp., expect. = E(e)xpectation; homo. = homogeneity; Theoret. = Theoretical; fulf. = fulfilled. +: expectation fulfilled; -: expectation not fulfilled. Sources: http://www.emulateme.com/content/[COUNTRYNAME].htm as of 02/09/00.


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