Volltext: Üsers Liaderbüechle

ev - ’rv- where a chick chick 
2. Old MacDonald had a farm, EIE1O! 
And on this farm, he had some ducks, EIE 10! 
With a quack quack here, and a quack quack there, 
here a duck, there a duck, ev’rywhere a duck, duck. 
3 Old MacDonald had a farm, EIE1O! 
And on this farm, he had some pigs, EIE 10! 
With a oink oink here, and a oink oink there, 
here a pig, there a pig, ev’rywhere a pig, pig. 
4 Old MacDonald had a farm, EIE1O0! 
And on this farm, he had some turkey, EIE1O! 
With a gobble gobble here, and a gobble gobble there, 
here a turkey, there a turkey, ev’rywhere a turkey, turkey. 
5 Old MacDonald had a farm, EIEIO! 
And on this farm, he had some Cows, EIE1O! 
With a moo moo here, and a moo moo there, 
here a cow, there a cow, ev’rywhere a cOW, COW.


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